Sunday, April 21, 2013

Increasing Facebook LIKES in hours

Do you Like my facebook page? How many likes does your page got? My page's like are more than yours?

Well, these are the regular questions that you hear everytime when you meet some internet buddy; have you ever though to increase your facebook page likes on auto-piolet without having to pay a single dollar? well, I've been doing it since two months and received around 1700 likes at my new page within 6 days.


Easy, there are planty of websites that allow your to increase your page likes - sites like like4like, twiends etc. Its quite easy to get few hundreds to thousands likes within weeks free of cost, however it takes lots of man hours to do so. These sites work on point system, means, you have to visit/like others' pages in order to earn points, which you can reutilize to publish your own pages - simple isn't it.

In condition like these, tools like iMacro come handy. Personally, I've created tons of macro scritps for automating everthing and for now, I got a good macro for you, which will allow you to auto-piolet your page like. All you have to do is to install free plugin of firefox named 'iMacro' and execute the bot for unlimited times during night time; you'll see 50+ likes within first night of execution and few thousands in a month.

Like4Like iMacro Script made by Janib Soomro
One time tiny investment and benefit for a long time - It costs only 30$; if you are interested, let me know..


  1. can you give me this scripts?

  2. Yes sure, read out 'Get it free by Sharing' section first.
