Saturday, April 20, 2013

Driving constant traffic from Twitter with iMacro

Twitter, one of the misunderstood social network and my favorite. I have been doing a lot of tweets and by now, got around 6k followers & 27k tweets – cool! It’s good to tweet daily, hourly and weekly, however again, its time taking and consumes a lot of man hours to reach the daily limited of 1k tweets.

I have been using it aggressively with my auto-bots, however recently I came across a new website allowing scheduling of tweets in future times – its called, check it out if you like to. It will allow you to set thousands of future tweets from your account. Here is how I manage to get constant traffic using twitter & twuffer with iMacro step by step:

-          Create account(s) at with multiple emails (20+ will work fine)
-          Create account(s) at & authorize them to use your twitter accounts
-          Create master excel sheet with tweets & time
-          Login individual account and schedule tweets for upcoming 2 to 3 months

While practical, I set around 30 twitter & twuffer accounts and scheduled around 30,000 future tweets for three months and in result, getting around 200 (average) visits from twitter on daily basis – not bed for free solution I guess so. Make sure to add @use_ids in all of your tweets, I scrapped followers of big companies and used them in my tweets; your followers will see your tweets & all included people will also check their mentioned tweets and make them come to your website.

If you want to acquire bot or simple then let me know.

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