Tuesday, March 18, 2014

AddmeFast- fastest way to increase Facebook likes

"I have 5,600 LIKES at my Facebook page; how many you got?"

Facebook likes are one of the attractive things that everyone is after and searching for solutions paid/free for increasing those likes, mostly for giving a robust look; they can be very useful in generating quick sales as well however source has to be genuine – If proper working is performed and likes are increase genuinely, there are higher changes that your products would rapidly get promoted and actual sales targets can be meet however it takes lots of time, money and efforts.

Enough with the lecture! So you are here just to learn how can you increase likes, well go ahead, read the below article thoroughly and there is script at the end as well.

OK so there are plenty of iMacro programmers, they are smart however the websites that they make scripts of, are even more smarter and website owners modify their websites constantly with rather new technologies or simply by changing basic HTML tags, just to get away from scripts. Addmefast and Like4like are one of those websites which help in increase dummy likes in matter of hours without having to do many efforts; although it can be managed easily manually however in order to save time and efforts, iMacro script comes handy; even a beginner of iMacro script can make their scripts for automating the processes, things get difficult when big changes are performed by addmefast/like4like.

Recently, Addmefast changed its layout, modified few html tags and enhanced its activity monitor algorithm for detecting auto-bots; Cool work I must say! Ok good for website owners but what about general users? Well, they look for updated script available at different blackhat websites and secret communities. Anyone can do iMacro scripting, it’s easy and takes few minutes to replicate humanly performed steps however in order to make your script robust, you need to utilized power of java scripting – it can be embedded scripting through EVAL or you can come up with entirely different script built as .JS (Java script with iMacro support).

Here is my script, actually don’t use anyone else’s script so you won’t get this one anywhere else. Anyhow, here are few guidelines while using my script:

  1. This script will properly work if you have good internet speed; Facebook loads quickly (let’s say around 2 to 5 seconds)
  2. Fast internet is necessary as addmefast closes the tab after a particular time interval and if you have a slower internet connection, page would close even before it loads completely
  3. Script will generate random time intervals (Waits), in order to replicate humanly action
  4. If facebook page is opened for a longer period, addmefast will close it however won’t give any points so it’s necessary to close the tab manually
  5. For slower internet, script will close Firefox browser

Now, copy this script and save it with any name you like; sign-in your facebook & addmefast accounts, visit the page from where pages are LIKED and play this script with a loop:

Updated Version!

' AddmeFast AutoLike

' Creation Data: 9th July 2014
' Last Modified: 14th July 2014
' Created By: Janib Soomro (Soomrojb@Gmail.com)
Set !TimeOut_Page 10
Set !TimeOut_Step 10
Set !ErrorIgnore no
Set !Extract_Test_PopUP No
Tag Pos=1 Type=Div Attr=Class:likedPagesSingle Extract=Htm
Set !Var1 Eval("var x = '{{!extract}}'.match(/a class=.+\s(.+)-wrap/); x[1];")
Tag Pos=1 Type=Div Attr=Class:{{!Var1}}&&Txt:Like
Set !Extract Null
Tab T=2
Set !ErrorIgnore Yes
Set !TimeOut_Step 0

Set !Var1 Null
Tag Pos=1 Type=Span Attr=ID:pagesHeaderLikeButton Extract=Htm
Set !Var1 Eval("var x = '{{!Extract}}'.match(/ownerid=.+\sid=.(.+).\stype/); x[1];")

Tag Pos=1 Type=Input:Submit Attr=Value:Like

Set !Var2 Eval("var a = (Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 - 1)) + 1); a;")
Wait Seconds={{!Var2}}
Set !Var3 Eval("var x = '{{!extract}}'; if (x.match(/(facebook)/) != null) { y = 2; } else { y = 3; } y; ")
Tab T={{!Var3}}
Tab Close

Set !Var4 Eval("var a = (Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 3)) + 1); a;")
Wait Seconds={{!Var4}}

This script works properly and I have tried to make it flexible enough to handle small scale tweaks in website layout in future however if you still find it not working, report it and I will update the script again.


  1. Bro, just wanted to say I love your work. This script works perfect. Only issue is with certain facebook buttons, (the newer looking ones) but you've programmed this so well, that when it runs into them, it simply skips it, closes and opens another. Thanks man

  2. Jordan,

    Thanks for utilizing my scripts; I have updated the script since there were few old style 'LIKE' buttons coming and script was unaware of those - this script can handle two main type of LIKE buttons!
