Thursday, March 13, 2014

Taking iMacro to WordPress

What is WordPress by the way?

Well, I think this is something that you should look through Google search. For a quick review for new users, this is a Content Management System (CMS), which will allow you to make your websites and blogs in just few hours and good thing about this CMS is that, you won’t have to learn computer programming languages or have to understand different technical terms.

It is a common observation that all websites generated through WordPress are indexed faster than others kinds of CMS or static websites therefore I prefer making my blogs using WordPress CMS. They offer a free standalone installable CMS that you can install at your hosting or if you want to use it directly, go to their website and enjoy free hosting with WordPress.

Anyhow, let’s come to the topic…

Recently I had an idea of having my own image hosting portal where I could place wallpapers of movies, games, celebrities, natural scenes, cars, trucks and everything that I can think of. So, I targeted few already established image portals and started scraping their images using iMacro scripting and once I had enough inventories, I purchased a domain and install WordPress with a good looking template. I had around 9,500 images along with specifications, first I try to go for fully automatic approach by inserting data directly to the database however believe me, this wasn’t easy and with all my efforts I fail to do upload data directly. Anyways, I had backup plan as usual; this was the place where iMacro actually came handy and saved a lot of manual trouble. Generally speaking, it would have taken me a month to manually upload all images and filling other fields if I had done it manually, iMacro took only two days for posting images/description at my website.

My website is around a month old now and there are more than 10,000 images of different industries; it took too little time in posting them properly and now Google has recognized my site and more than 4,500 pages are already indexed by now. I plan to add even more images through same approach and later, will place adsense once traffic begin crossing 200 visitors a day – this is something that you don’t see on regular base and if utilized properly, you can earn constant money easy in couple of months.

Check my website for reference:

Note: Copying content from website could impose copyright allegation against you therefore try to copy content from public places without any copyright claims mentioned.

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