Friday, May 24, 2013

Taking iMacro to real business

If you search for "iMacro" and "iMacro scripts" at Google, you would most probably end up with a biased result – where iMacro is portrayed as a tool for automating social media websites mostly Facebook, Twitter, Like4like, HootSuite and for form filling purpose. I remember, when I used be a beginner of iMacro, I found it accidently while searching for solution to automate my form filling redundant activities that were lot of my time and efforts.

Though it is useful for automating such kind of tasks however not limited to these tasks only! I have been utilizing it for official purposes from a long time, mainly in generating Inquiries from global buyers and later match making with relevant suppliers. I am sure business community would also be reading my article, so I thought to share some good ideas about utilizing iMacro scripts for generating some real business for them as I do myself – this article is part of business series.

Ok, so here goes nothing – there are multiple B2B websites available allowing option to have free account and provide facility to contact with their buyers and sellers without Captcha! As Captcha breaking is a huge and time consuming process and expensive often, therefore it would be good to go for those portals where enough data is available and security is low as possible. Anyhow, I have around ten portals in my list who are simple and allow me to send hundreds of auto-emails on daily basis without suspending my account, I do get their promotional emails however that isn’t concern over here – I like it free as everyone does.

In case anyone from B2B is reading my article, I won’t be sharing their details however will provide you clues so that you can start working yourself. One more thing, iMacro in its simplest form doesn’t offer much features like logical decisions, doing functions based on dynamic values, executing only certain code based on conditions and more like that, so you need to take support of java-scripting  otherwise you will end up semi-automated solutions. Check out below image (s), I found a business platform with around 350 vacuum cleaner buyers:

This very same portal allows sending emails to all buyers with simple howeTaking iMacro to Real business

If you search for "iMacro" and "iMacro scripts" at Google, you would most probably end up with a biased result – where iMacro is portrayed as a tool for automating social media websites mostly Facebook, Twitter, Like4like, HootSuite and for form filling purpose. I remember, when I used be a beginner of iMacro, I found it accidently while searching for solution to automate my form filling redundant activities that were taking lot of my time and efforts.

Though it is useful for automating such kind of tasks however not limited to these tasks only! I have been utilizing it for official purposes from a long time, mainly in generating Inquiries from global buyers and later match making with relevant suppliers. I am sure business community would also be reading my article, so I thought to share some good ideas about utilizing iMacro scripts for generating some real business for them as I do myself – this article is part of business series.

Ok, so here goes nothing – there are multiple B2B websites available allowing option to have free account and provide facility to contact with their buyers and sellers without Captcha! As Captcha breaking is a huge and time consuming process and expensive often, therefore it would be good to go for those portals where enough data is available and security is low as possible. Anyhow, I have around ten portals in my list who are simple and allow me to send hundreds of auto-emails on daily basis without suspending my account, I do get their promotional emails however that isn't concern over here – I like it free as everyone does.

In case anyone from B2B is reading my article, I won't be sharing any B2Bs details however will provide you clues so that you can start working yourself. One more thing, iMacro in its simplest form doesn't offer much features like logical decisions, doing functions based on dynamic values, executing only certain code based on conditions and more like that, so you need to take support of java-scripting  otherwise you will end up with a semi-automated solutions. Check out below image (s), I found a business platform with around 350 vacuum cleaner buyers:

imacro script b2b

This very same portal allows sending emails to all buyers with simple however lengthy form; check this one out:
imacro script b2b

Ok I agree this isn't going to be too easy; form looks simple at first glance however there are lots of tricky places where you have to use dynamic variables or some sort of randomized sentences for making it look real otherwise repeating same content, subject lines and selecting same country or phone number can trigger website's anti-spam or security detectors. Now there are two solutions to bypass this condition, 1) generate individual fields in excel sheet and post them directly in to the form fields or 2) go complete dynamic. First approach includes making lots of subject lines, emails, messages, sender names, and later integrating them in the form – quite difficult and lengthy task and there is a certain amount of times where they don't fit exactly, I mean if someone is asking for services and randomly selected template/content is about products then it's not going to work.

Seconds approach is lengthy however it is one time effort; like in my case, I made a java-script code for randomly generating numbers in code-area-number format (standard phone number format), give list of names to an array and pick one randomly, use the same randomly picked name and inserted ‘company ltd', ‘pvt ltd' etc to make it look like a company name, country is chosen randomly, subject is same as the title of the inquiry plus some additional keywords like ‘exporter', ‘suppliers' or ‘distributers' and the main body of the message is based on an array containing ten different templates, each has option to fit dynamic variables like name of user, company of user, offer title & country of buyer. As soon the script executes, everything sets up for the first time and then scripts starts contacting buyers individually with completely different messages and contact info's.

Even though there are certain cases, where a single buyer receives multiple emails generated through iMacro scripts however as everything is different, buyer thinks it's a new supplier and responses accordingly.

When required, I send around 500 - 1k emails to most relevant fresh buyers from different B2B websites using iMacro scripts and get good responses and enough orders to keep up my supply process continued. I use this approach for agricultural and machinery industry however this can also be useful for consumer electronic products and gadgets including iPhones, laptops & other gadgets. So, point of article was to make people understand that with little smartness, you can make things do what they weren't supposed to. iMacro scripts are solution to a wide variety of web-based platforms, you need to think wide!

For all kinds of suggestions and feedback, be my guests.


  1. Wow what a great article! Thank you!!!
    I was looking around at the automation and process technologies available and imacros seems to be the only one that is somewhat friendly to users and can be scaled and can snugly be adjusted for certain powerful tasks (such as managing a supply and demand system ) !

    Would you be able to provide some more insights for me that were very beneficial to making good use of imacros, especially as it pertains to contacting people in the way that you have?

    Please email me so we can continue the discussion there : )

    Again thanks for inspiring me !

    1. @Samm,

      Thanks for the comments; I would love to share my ideas and to hear yours and would highly appreciate if you can put everything here at my blog so that everyone else also benefit from it.

      Brief me what exactly are you up to? I mean, I’ve done a lot of experiments with iMacro, what’s in your mind. My code is available for free in most cases where readers have to submit/share my blog somewhere in their community/circle and take the code for free.
